Atlanta Georgia Personal Injury and Small Business Attorney

Dog Bite Accidents

Atlanta Dog Bite Attorney

Many dog owners consider their dogs part of the family and dogs have a long history of being known as man’s best friend. Nevertheless, dog owners must understand their legal obligations when it comes to their pet ownership. They also must know what their level of responsibility is if their dog attacks and injures someone else.

Dogs, regardless of any size and breed, can cause serious injury. Anyone who reaches to touch or pet a dog is keenly aware of this. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year over four million people in the United States are bitten or otherwise injured by dogs or other pets. Dog bites can cause nerve injuries, disfigurement, and a number of diseases if not treated properly and immediately. Parents should know that the most frequent victims of dog bites are children from ages five through nine.

Dog bites can be a serious medical concern.  If you’re hurt or injured by a dog or by another animal, you should discuss your case with a good personal injury attorney. If a dog or any other pet belonging to another person bites or attacks you or your child in the state of Georgia, you may be able to recover damages from the pet’s owner.

Laws for dog bites vary from state to state. Some states follow what is known as a “One Bite Rule,” in which a dog’s owner essentially has one chance to avoid liability for his or her dog’s actions. In Georgia, dog bites generally fall under negligence law. Victims of dog bites and dog owners should know Georgia laws surrounding these incidents and an Atlanta dog bite lawyer at Pickelsimer, LLC can help. For a more in depth review of Georgia Dog Bite Law, the Georgia Statutory scheme, and recent dog bite cases in Georgia, read more at my blog posts here.


The details of the incident are crucial for obtaining just compensation if you have been bitten by a dog in Georgia. After a dog bite you should first seek medical attention for your injuries. This will ensure you get proper, timely treatment. This will also show that the dog did injure you and that you promptly sought treatment.

In Georgia a dog owner can be held liable for a dog bite if the dog is known to have a history of aggression or was not under proper control at the time. Also under to Georgia law, the victim must have been on the property legally at the time of attack. A trespasser who is bitten by a dog cannot sue the owner for injuries.


If you have been bitten by a dog and the owner is found negligent, there are several types of compensation your attorney can pursue on your behalf:

Medical expenses: This includes emergency transportation, hospital bills, surgical bills, and all other related medical expenses resulting from the incident.

Pain and suffering: Dogs are capable of inflicting serious lacerations, punctures, and crushing wounds. Expert witnesses may need to be hired to assess and testify to your injuries and the dog’s physical traits to determine the level of pain you experienced.

Lost income:  For serious injuries often prevent you from resuming or returning to your job. You can claim compensation for the income you would have reasonably expected to earn had the attack not taken place.

Property damage: You can claim compensation for property damage where the dog damaged any of your personal belongings.


Dog bite injury cases can be extraordinarily complex in Georgia. I will conduct a thorough investigation and build a compelling case upon hard evidence and witness testimony.  Get the legal help you need after a dog attack. Talk to me by calling 404-610-4429. You may also contact me by completing the contact form here on my website. I am ready and prepared to fight for justice that injury victims need and deserve.